Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Time for a taste

While making the bread I found the dough to be very sticky, to the point where I thought I had done it wrong and I had a gooey mess on my hands, but since I didn't have experience I went on.

And when it came to rising, I felt like it didn't rise enough, maybe it was too cold in my house? It had to rise twice throughout the making process and the second time it expanded outward more than it raised. But not having made ciabatta before, I went with it.

The instructions told me to spray water into the over three times in the first ten minutes of baking, which I did and when it came to checking on the bread it seemed to harden pretty fast. I set the timer for twenty minutes and checked it every couple of minutes. When the timer went off I checked the bread, it had nice color and felt like the kind of crust I wanted so I took it out to cool. When I cut it open it seemed to be a little under cooked, but not by much. And after it sat the crust wasn't as hard as it was when it came out if the oven, but it had great flavor and tasted fantastic warm out of the oven with a little bit of butter.

Next time I think Ill bake it a little longer and try a different recipe that does not call for cornmeal.

Happy baking!

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